Monday, August 30, 2010

Sonrise Church SA Weekly

On October 17th, 2010 @ 6pm we will have the first gathering of the resurrected Sonrise Church SA. I can't tell you how excited I am to see this come to pass. The response from different people has been very encouraging. This is confirmation that God has declared He is not finished with Sonrise SA yet.

For our first gathering we are going to have Forefront leading us in praise and worship. There is going to be some great multimedia, testimonies and special guests. You will not want to miss this service. I believe this will be a time for personal breakthroughs for many. Make your plans. The location is almost nailed down. Stay tuned. If you need prayer please email or call 210.670.0831

Weekly Message

 The Raising of Lazarus

We live in a world of flesh and blood and things don't always go the way we would like them to. My brother died of Leukemia at the age of 22. My father died of cancer. Lazarus became ill and died. Lazarus  was a personal friend of Jesus. While he was ill they called for Jesus to come to his bed side but Jesus did not make it and Lazarus died. They buried him and they were mourning him when Jesus showed up. Martha the sister of Lazarus told Jesus if you just would have been here my brother would not have died. Jesus makes this statement "this death is for the glory of God."

There are times in life when we think its over. We lay it in the tomb and we mourn. We say if only Jesus....
Even death can be conquered if that is what Jesus declares. You may think your dream is dead, you may think God cannot use you anymore, you may think that opportunity has passed...but Jesus has the last say.

what can be done:

Pray in the name of Jesus at the tomb. Let others help you remove any obstacles that are in the way. Let God remove the stone away. If God is in it call forth that which has died and let the power of God bring it back.
Remember God has the last say on anything. There are times when we must let things go but if you are feeling the prompting of the Holy Spirit in a situation don't ignore it. Even after something comes back from the dead there will be alot of work to be done. Just as Lazarus came forth bound in grave clothes and had to be loosed so we will have to allow for a time for working through issues that may arise.

Closing Remarks

If you would like to help me in bring Sonrise Church SA back to its place of ministry please contact me. Please pray for us. If anything please make plans to attend our first gathering. God bless...until later...
Pastor George

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sonrise Church SA

If you need prayer email with your request and we will stand with you and pray with you. If you need to talk to someone call 210.670.0831

The Older Son

If you read the story of the "prodigal son" we can learn alot about those who wander away from God. There is another story in the story that deserves our attention. The older son was an in house prodigal. The older son had lost his way in the house. Today many believers are in there own world not necessarily in the world.
What are some of the symptoms of an in house prodigal?
  • working in the Fathers house but forgetting why
  • having a lack of joy when good things happen
  • having built up anger issues
  • having to be begged to get involved
  • thinking that we are owed something
  • having a critical spirit of people
  • forgetting who we are in Christ
The story does not tell us if the in house prodigal came back to his spiritual senses but I choose to believe he did. Just as the heavens rejoice when a sinner comes to the Lord I am convinced that the heavens rejoice when a christian starts to live for the the Lord again.

Spiritual decline leads to getting off of Gods Divine plan for our life. Turning back to God leads to blessings and the fullness of joy. Today is your day to get back on track. Lets pray: Dear Lord, we turn away from the things that are robbing us of our fullness in you. We repent of our prodical life and ask that we that we get back to your business. We ask these things in Jesus Name.


1st Quarterly gathering will be Sunday, October 17th @ 6pm
Place: TBA
Worship will be led by FOREFRONT
Message by Pastor George
Testimonies and special music will minister to your heart.
Make your plans. Come early for fellowship

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sonrise SA

Sonrise Church San Antonio is a online church that gathers quarterly.

Just like the son who came back home, God is patiently waiting for all who need to return to Him. One thing is certain. God does not judge or condemn us but lovingly places us on His shoulders and carry's us.

If you are in need of prayer or need encouragement just email and we will pray with you and give encouragement.

Sonrise Church San Antonio quarterly meeting scheduled for Sunday, October 17th at 6pm. We will announce the location very soon. Join me online for weekly teaching on our blog. We are almost ready to put our video message up. Keep us in your prayers.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sonrise Church SA weekly word

First let me encourage anyone who needs prayer to email me at or call 210.670.0831 and we will stand with you on your request. Sonrise Church SA is an online church that  wants to reach the prodigal and the passionate for Gods glory. Just a reminder that we will have our first quarterly gathering on October 17th, 2010 at 6pm. The location is being determined. This is going to be a night of resurrection. If you have dreams that have died or need a new start make plans to attend this explosive service.

Prodigals Happen

The prodigal son didn't set off to be a prodigal. If you read the story it started with the younger of 2 sons asking for some of his inheritance. We assume he had a plan to blow his money on crazy stuff but I don't think that was his original intention. Maybe he wanted to start a business. Maybe he wanted to do some traveling. Maybe he wanted to buy his own place. We don't know but my thought is the father wouldn't have been willing to let go of the money if  it was for foolish things. The other clue that we find is that both sons were given the money. The story says that it wasn't until some time later that the younger son decided to leave home. Here are  some observations about how we can become prodigal.

1. We get comfortable with where we are spiritually- Just as the younger son was given a portion of his inheritance so we are given a portion of the the good things of God. Many times after a person has made their peace with God they get complacent. Many prodigals were raised in church and become indifferent to what has become to familiar to them. Prodigals are those who begin to wonder if there isn't some thing else for them.

2. When we are young we are under the watchful eye of our parents. It is natural to reach the age where we need to get on our own. When we make that break many time we find that we are not as rooted as we thought we were. Many people as they age began to feel that time is passing and unfulfilled dreams can lead to destructive thinking if our mind are allowed to entertain such thoughts.

3. It is easy to get lost in a world that is constantly calling us. The distant country that the prodigal went to started of with new things. New friends, new location, new experience and the reality that we are in control of what we decide we want to do. Its my life I can do what I want.

Conclusion: In our prodigal condition God waits for us to consider our ways. God waits for us to start rethinking our decisions. God does not judge us but He loves us. God waits for us. God waits for you. My prayer is that we will  turn to the Lord with all of our hearts and once again be passionate for Him.

Personal request from Pastor George

I am in need of people who will help me get Sonrise SA back from the dead. How can you help?
Please pray for me and Sonrise
If you can help me in our quarterly gathering please contact me
Pass the word about what is happening as we resurrect Sonrise Church

In Jesus Name,
Pastor George

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sonrise SA an Online Church for the prodigal and the Passionate

If you are in need of prayer or just want to share, email me at . you can also call or text me at 210.670-0831. Sonrise SA will have its first gathering, since closing, on Sunday, October 17th at 6:00pm. The place is still being determined. I have already lined up all of the praise and worship and the message is like fire in my bones even as we speak. You will not want to miss this new beginning of the resurrected Sonrise Church San Antonio.  Sonrise Church is back from the dead. Our God has unfinished business with many of us.

If you know anybody that wants to reconnect with Sonrise Church pass along this information. Let them know about our online church. I am currently working on launching an interactive website that will allow us to do more ministry in the days ahead.

The Prodigal

My last message about "Many Prodigals" really spoke to a ton of people. The reason it did is because it is a timely word about the condition of many hearts. If you read the story of the prodigal son we discover that both sons were given part of the inheritance. The younger son did not leave immediately but after some time. Most people don't plan on getting away from God. It happens gradually. You can be sitting in church and be prodigal in your mind because your not in the game(or should I say the Spirit) Becoming a prodigal can happen to people that were once on fire for God. I know this is true because it happened to me. I was on fire for God but I became a prodigal and fell into sin. The Bible says the son went to a distant land and there he began to live foolishly. Worldly living is being distant from God. Being distant from God always leaves us anxious. You are out there but you are unsettled even as you climb the latter of success, enter into new relationships, even look for a new church. I will share more in the days to come.

Join the online Church

I am asking you to join me on this new journey. Become a follower of this blog . Join the online church. I am believing God for hundreds to join before we have our first quarterly gathering. Remember its not about a building, it about a Savior. If you can help me drop me a line and let me know your in. Thanks. I am asking you boldly in the name of Jesus to help me make this thing happen for the many prodigals that are out there.

Thank you so much,
Pastor George

don' forget to add me to your favorites and help me get more friends on facebook.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So Many Prodicals

I know that there are many prodigals. When I say prodigal I am taking about those who know the Lord but are far away from Him. Over the next few weeks  the topic of my first online series will be "The Prodigal". In this series I will explore the story of the prodigal son from different perspectives and try to encourage people to face their situation with the goal of taking action. This series will be about what we all already know and to remind us that purpose and destiny are still waiting for us. 

There are many prodigals out in the world today who are in distant lands(spiritually speaking) contemplating the direction of there lives. In our prodigalism(my word) we question everything we have known and believed. The prodigal finds themselves in situations that at first seemed foreign but now seem normal.

Stay tuned for the video teaching coming in the next few days. As I close let me say that Sonrise SA was and will continue to be about restoration. I envision a church full of prodigals that have returned not to a church but to the Lordship of Jesus.

As I close: if you are a prodigal you did not come by this post by accident. The Father waits patiently for all of us. email me if you would like prayer on your journey back.

The first re-gathering of Sonrise Church SA is being planned for a Sunday night in October. Just to say this night is going to be explosive. Pass the word to all who would like to help in the resurgence of Sonrise Church SA. If you are a musician or a singer please contact me. If you are interested to serving please contact me. The Bible says "you have not because you ask not". I am asking :) You never know.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back From The Dead

In 2006 I resigned as the pastor of Sonrise Church San Antonio. When that happened I had hoped that a church I had poured my life into for over 15 years would continue on it's mission but it did not for reasons we do not need to hash over again. In 2008 I asked and regained the permission to take back the minisrty and history of Sonrise Church San Antonio. Now in 2010, 4 years later, I am coming to the tomb of  Sonrise Church and in the name of Jesus I am saying come fourth. Just as Lazarus was in the tomb 4 day (Sonrise 4 years) this will also be for the glory of God.

The format: Sonrise Church will start over again as a weekly online church with a planned quarterly gathering, then monthly gatherings and then finally a weekly local church. I will be posting weekly video teachings and other resources through this blog and the Church's website. Sonrise Church will be a part of Fellowship66 Network and will fall under the leaders of those churches. I am praying for the Lord to lead as to all the specifics in the days ahead but it is time to unloose this church that was birthed with a purpose and a destiny many years ago.

There have been many factors concerning this decision to resurrect Sonrise. There have been dreams, confirmations and the heavy prompting of the Holy Spirit. Please pray for us. Just like it was in the beginning we will continue with faith and love for people. Stay tuned for the resurgence of Sonrise San Antonio.

I will continue to pastor Living Springs Church and  the director of Fellowship66. I will also continue with the plans to plant new churches as God directs.